Thursday, February 18, 2016

Clash Royale APK

Are you searching for Clash Royale for Android? 
The game is not available in your country right now? 
No problem. 

Supercell released an Android version and we got the fresh APK for you. 
Stop watching, start playing now: 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Clash Royale Global Launch March 2016, Chest Rewards and Balance Changes

Clash Royale will be released very soon globally on iOS and Android! Supercell announced that Clash Royale will be on Google Play Store and iTunes available in March 2016! The game will be available in March, but they did not say when it will happen in March. So stay tuned, the game will come very soon.

Besides of that, they were some new balance changes:
  • Arena 3-7 Chests: Now contain more cards and Gold, cost a few more Gems, but are overall better value!
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A: Hitpoints increased by 3%
  • Valkyrie: Attack speed increased to 1.5 seconds (from 1.6 seconds)
  • Giant: Hitpoints increased by 5%
  • Tombstone: Spawns 4 Skeletons when destroyed (from 6 Skeletons)
  • Mortar: Lifetime increased to 30 seconds (from 20 seconds)
  • Bomb Tower: Attack speed increased to 1.6 seconds (from 1.7 seconds)
  • Musketeer: Damage decreased by 25% and Elixir cost reduced to 4 (from 5 Elixir)
  • Tesla: Damage increased by 7%
  • X-Bow: Deployment time increased to 5 seconds (from 3 seconds)
  • Zap: Damage increased by 6%